Have you ever met a new person and experienced how good it feels when they use your name in the conversation? Did you feel valued and appreciated? You probably did.
This week, Lisa Joy Glassman of Active Potential joins me to talk about living in the present moment and how learning to do that can make our interactions with people (and our ability to remember names) even more powerful.
You'll hear us talk about:
Lisa Joy offers a Breathing 101 course to continue deeper into these ideas. Make sure to find that at her website, www.activepotential.com. You'll find free videos and a guide to eliminating chronic pain as well.
Find and connect with Lisa Joy on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, TikTok and YouTube and be sure to share this episode.
Grab OMG Teach Me's seven days of secrets to living well at www.bit.ly/omgteachmepodcast and find all the podcast news at www.onamission.bio/omgteachme.