Compassion. We talk about compassion in terms of helping others and being involved in important causes. Do we talk about compassion in terms of being kind and compassionate to ourselves? Not as often.
Holly Zajur, wellness educator, joins me this week to share with us how to switch from self criticism (that is often far more mean than we would ever be to someone else) to self compassion.
Holly walks us through why this matters, and the reasons related to hormones and our nervous systems are powerful.
Get comfortable as you listen because Holly and I are walking through a mindfulness meditation during this episode: awareness, acceptance, action. You'll want to come back and listen again.
Connect with Holly at @hollyzajur and @howthewiseonegrows on Instagram as well as and
Make sure to go back and listen to Episode 25 for more on the nervous system with Meggie Martin.
And grab your free seven days of secrets to living well at All of the podcast resources are online at Let's connect.