Confidence and Success, One Thought at a Time
Oct. 25, 2024

Giving Anonymously - Money in a Diaper Box (OMG Take Five)

Giving Anonymously - Money in a Diaper Box (OMG Take Five)
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Mind Your Midlife: Confidence and Success, One Thought at a Time

It's a trend lately to slide money or a gift card anonymously into a diaper box or some other product in a store.  Why? Let's talk about it.

Your relationship with money if often about difficultly or scarcity.  That tends to come from our money stories and experiences we have in childhood.

One way to start healing that relationship is the give money away - and do it anonymously.  It's not about being thanked, it's about doing something good for someone else and at the same time creating a fantastic emotional experience for yourself.

I'm giving you a few ideas in this episode! Tell me what else you come up with and how your experiences have gone when you tried this:  

Here are the money episodes I referred to:

Let's dive into this popular trend and make someone's day (and yours)!